Embracing Automation in Cement Manufacturing

Mushtaq Hussain, CFO of cement manufacturing major Najmat Al-Samawa, delves deep into his personal strategies for success

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When it comes to guiding an organisation through the intricate business environment of today, the role of a CFO cannot be overlooked. Irrespective of the size of the organisation or the kind of technologies it uses, it’s the CFO who supervises the digital transition of a company and also pays attention to key factors such as the ESG reporting, expenses, profitability and honing of talent. Mushtaq Hussain is one such CFO who actively observes all this and is utilising his knowledge to propel his organisation towards long-term success. In an interview with Business Frontier, the CFO of Najmat Al-Samawa, an Iraqi cement manufacturing facility (a subsidiary of ASLIL, UAE), speaks in-depth about his personal and professional journey, his role in the organisation and his success mantras.

Can you give us an insight into your professional background?

I completed my CPA and MBA/MBEcon degrees from reputed universities. Over the past 20 years, I have financed megaprojects worth millions of dollars in MENA and conflict zones. I have a deep and varied background in these contexts. As a Change Master Expert, I have also developed ERP/MRP systems in numerous enterprises. My inspiration comes from taking on new challenges, feeling accountable, having integrity, and working with top-tier businesses and industry leaders worldwide.

Having been in the industry for 23 years, how would you describe your success mantras and inspirations?

People have varied definitions of success, therefore this question can yield a variety of responses from different people. Personally, I feel that continuous hard effort, training and development, team building, DOAs, and creating flawless processes are the keys to my success. As far as my inspiration is concerned, it stems from taking on new challenges, feeling accountable, having integrity, and working with top-tier businesses and industry leaders worldwide.

What would you say about Najmat Al-Samawa as a company and its standing in the industry right now?

Teams that are focused on experience and have exposure to different cultures form the foundation of Najmat Al-Samawa. NAS is a dynamic corporation that consistently embraces automation, digitisation, greenfield plants, and cutting edge technologies. We started our cement production in March 2021 focusing on quality standards while forming commercial alliances with reputable distributors and retailers. With a focus on client satisfaction, NAS effectively meets its annual sales goals in every Iraqi city and establishes itself as a high-quality brand. Our clients come first in everything we do and our progressive thoughts in leadership in addition to the usage of digitech in cement manufacturing give us an edge over our contemporaries.

As the CFO, how do you assess if a firm investment is profitable?

As the CFO, my main goal is to add value to the business. A capable CFO is able to enhance an organisation’s worth. Although there are several strategies, including going over tax data or going over each financial statement the company has, it’s really easy to see how a CFO adds value to a business from a strategic perspective. I accomplish this in five ways: by accelerating business growth, increasing profitability, enhancing cash flow, getting more bank leverage, and offering guidance and leadership to the entire organisation. An effective method of gauging profitability and cash flow is to track your EBITDA, or earnings before expenses.

Describe your style of leadership. What rules or procedures do you adhere to in order to manage your team?

I follow a transformational approach through training, continuous brain-storming, delegation of authority, and building trust. Thanks to this, my team is able to meet the company’s goal and raise the standard of work on the whole.

What are your goals for the future?

A popular saying goes ‘The future is not a destination, it’s a direction’. I want to become the true leader of an organisation who depicts deep impact with an aim to increase profitability and cash flows, link finance to operations and mitigate financial risks. I also want to focus on compliance management, team development and collaborate closely with all stakeholders with a clear vision, mission, and direction towards sustainable growth.

Given your extensive industry expertise, what guidance would you provide aspiring leaders in the field?

Challenge yourselves and take risks. Always have the attitude to learn and stay positive. This is also the time of artificial intelligence and digitalisation. So as the leaders of tomorrow, understand how digi-technique and big data can drive a business and steer it to the top.

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