Building a Legacy of Leadership

Dynamic LGBTQ speaker and author, Victoria Pelletier, speaks about her organisation Unstoppable You which helps individuals lead with purpose

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A fervent C-Suite leader, TEDx speaker, author and diversity & inclusion leader, Victoria Pelletier’s journey is marked by resilience and a passion for transformation. Harnessing her early life challenges to fuel her mission to help others, Victoria is the Founder & CEO of Unstoppable You, a platform that provides strategic advisory services, executive and personal brand coaching, authorship support and more to individuals and organisations. 

Recognised as one of the Top 100 Global Outstanding LGBTQ Executive Leaders; Women of Influence; Top 30 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech and Most Influential Entrepreneur of the Year by several media houses, Victoria’s impactful keynote speeches, personalised coaching, and strategic consulting have inspired changemakers across various sectors to lead with authenticity and purpose. Her innovative approach not only fosters professional growth but also highlights the importance of personal strength and empathy in leadership.

As a sought-after speaker and author, Victoria continues to make a significant impact, encouraging individuals to embrace their journeys and redefine their own stories of success. In an interview with Business Frontier, Victoria speaks about her company, industry trends, ensuring diversity and inclusion on stage and more.

Q. Can you tell us about your early life and the experiences that shaped your career aspirations?

From a young age, I faced a significant amount of adversity — circumstances that could have easily defined my future in a negative way. But instead of letting them limit me, I chose to push beyond them. I was determined to rewrite my own story, no matter what the obstacles were.

Resilience became my foundation. I realised early on that if I could survive what life threw at me, I could thrive in the face of any challenge. That resilience wasn’t just about survival, though. It fueled an inner drive in me to excel, build something meaningful, and help others navigate their own challenges.

Ultimately, it was those early experiences that shaped my passion for leadership and transformation. I knew that I wanted to help others achieve their potential, and that meant not just surviving adversity but using it as a springboard for greatness. This is what led me to the boardroom, the C-suite, and eventually into coaching and public speaking, where I share my story and empower others to rewrite their own.

Q. What makes Unstoppable You unique, and how is it impacting innovators and change-makers in the United States and beyond?

Unstoppable You is unique because it’s not just a business — it’s a platform dedicated to empowering individuals and organisations to unlock their full potential. Through impactful keynote speeches, personal brand coaching, career and executive coaching, and strategic consulting services, we deliver tailored, high-touch solutions that inspire real change.

The core of what makes Unstoppable You so powerful is the focus on authenticity, resilience, and purpose-driven leadership. Whether it’s a keynote that moves a room to action or a coaching session that helps a leader rediscover their voice, we bring a whole human leadership approach to everything we do. That means we don’t just focus on the professional side of success, but also help people cultivate their personal strengths, allowing them to lead with greater empathy, transparency, and intention.

Our impact can be seen across industries, from tech innovators in Silicon Valley to senior executives in global corporations. We help change-makers rethink how they approach leadership, empower their teams, and build their personal brands with authenticity. By giving them the tools to navigate complex environments with clarity and confidence, we’re driving a ripple effect of transformation in the US and internationally.

At Unstoppable You, we believe that when people are empowered to lead as their most authentic selves, their impact becomes limitless—whether they’re shaping the future of business or driving societal change.

Q. What are the future goals of Unstoppable You?

The future of Unstoppable You is about expanding our reach and impact. With the release of my second and third books this year, alongside my TEDx talk on healthy resilience, we’re in a prime position to leverage these insights to help even more people. The concepts of authenticity, resilience, and leadership that I’ve written about and spoken on are universal, and I’m committed to bringing them to an even broader audience.

A key focus moving forward will be on deepening our work in executive and career coaching, particularly around fostering resilience in leaders who are navigating disruptive and fast-changing environments. My goal is to help individuals not just survive but thrive by applying the lessons from my books and talks in real-world contexts—whether it’s leading teams, scaling businesses, or building personal brands.

Additionally, Unstoppable You will continue to provide transformative keynote speeches and strategic consulting, but with a renewed emphasis on resilience and whole human leadership. We’re looking to partner with more organisations globally to foster cultures where people feel empowered to lead authentically and drive meaningful change. Ultimately, our goal is to equip people with the mindset and tools they need to be unstoppable—no matter the obstacles in their path.

Q. Speaking of TEDx, what makes a TEDx event truly transformative for the audience?

What makes a TEDx event truly transformative is the combination of impactful, engaging storytelling with actionable insights that resonate long after the event is over. It’s one thing to inspire people in the moment, but the real magic happens when an audience leaves not only moved emotionally but also equipped with practical lessons that they can apply in their own lives.

The best TEDx talks are those that connect deeply with human experiences — where the speaker’s vulnerability and authenticity create a bond with the audience. When speakers share stories of resilience, failure, triumph, or transformation, it gives the audience a chance to see themselves in that narrative. But to make it transformative, those stories need to be paired with clear takeaways or strategies that can drive real change.

At the end of the day, a great TEDx event challenges the audience to think differently, feel more deeply, and act with intention. It’s not just about ideas worth spreading—it’s about ideas worth applying.

Q. How do you stay up to date with industry trends?

I’m an avid learner, and staying curious is at the core of how I keep up with industry trends. I consume a lot of content – you’ll almost always find me listening to audiobooks or podcasts. It’s the most efficient way for me to stay informed while juggling a busy schedule. Audiobooks keep me up to speed on everything from leadership strategies to the latest in technology, while podcasts give me quick, digestible insights from industry experts and thought leaders.

In addition to that, I’m a huge believer in the power of networking and meeting new people. Whether it’s through conferences, events, or just connecting over a virtual coffee, I’m always looking to expand my circle. These conversations are where you often pick up the most cutting-edge insights — things that haven’t even hit the mainstream yet. Plus, surrounding yourself with diverse perspectives is key to understanding trends from multiple angles.

At the end of the day, I never stop being curious. I believe that continuous learning and remaining open to new ideas is the best way to stay ahead in any industry.

Q. How do you ensure that the diverse perspectives shared on stage are balanced and inclusive?

Ensuring diversity and inclusion on stage is about being intentional. I actively seek out voices from underrepresented groups and ensure that their insights are not just heard but meaningfully integrated into the conversation. It’s about more than checking a box—it’s about making sure diverse perspectives are part of the dialogue in a genuine way.

I focus on creating an environment where everyone feels safe to share their truth. This is key to fostering rich, impactful discussions. When people feel seen and heard, the conversation shifts from surface-level to transformative.

In every engagement, whether it’s a keynote or a panel, I prioritise inclusivity because I believe that balanced perspectives lead to better outcomes for everyone. True leadership means ensuring that all voices are valued, and that’s how we drive progress.

Q. How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, and what advice do you have for others in demanding roles?

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of the term ‘work-life balance’. For me, it’s all about ‘work-life integration’. When you’re truly passionate about what you do, the lines blur—and that’s okay. I always say, “Where there is conviction, there is capacity.” If you’re deeply committed to something, you will find the time and energy for it.

That said, I do have non-negotiables. My workouts, six days a week, are sacrosanct. They are essential for maintaining my physical health and mental clarity. I’ve learned that if I don’t take care of myself, I can’t give my best to anyone else — be it in my work or personal life. My advice: Identify your non-negotiables, prioritise them, and let everything else integrate around them. Find what fuels you, and make it a part of your daily routine, no matter how demanding your role is.

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