AMRC Launches Project to Make 5G Open RAN Accessible to Manufacturers

The project, led by research engineers at AMRC North West, aims to explore the benefits of Open RAN for manufacturers of all sizes

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A new £4.7 million project, the Factory of the Future Open RAN (FoFoRAN), has been launched by an industrial consortium to make 5G Open RAN more accessible for the manufacturing sector. The project, led by research engineers at AMRC North West, aims to explore the benefits of open radio access networks (Open RAN) for manufacturers of all sizes.

Open RAN allows the use of non-proprietary subcomponents from various vendors, enabling interoperability and flexibility in technology choices. With £2.7 million funding from the government’s Open Networks Research and Development Fund and matching industry funds, the project totals £4.7 million.

Partners include BAE Systems, Dassault Systèmes, aql, Productive Machines, and SafeNetics, with support from the Royal Air Force and Telent. Dr. Aparajithan Sivanathan highlighted the demand for greater connectivity in manufacturing and the potential of Open RAN to provide affordable, secure, and interoperable solutions.

The project, planned until March 2025, aims to deploy and test Open RAN networks, compare them with existing solutions, and assess technical characteristics and performance. It aligns with the UK’s ambition to be a global leader in telecoms research and development, supported by significant industry backing.

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