Providing the Elixir for Organisational Excellence

Zulfiquar Kamal, Director of Finance, ZIM Laboratories Limited, speaks to Business Frontier about the strategies he follows to mould a financially robust organisation

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Zulfiquar Kamal believes in fostering a culture of positivity, integrity, and excellence at ZIM Laboratories Limited, where he is the Director of Finance. A research- driven pharmaceutical company focused on providing innovative drug delivery solutions, ZIM Laboratories aims at improving patient convenience and treatment adherence. The organisation acts as a research-centric end-to-end product development partner for its customers across key developed, pharmerging and Rest of the World (RoW) markets by providing a constant pipeline of therapy-agnostic finished and semi-finished pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

In an interview with Business Frontier, Zulfiquar Kamal delves deeper into the strategies he follows to mould a financially robust organisation and describes how he leads his team towards excellence.

Q. Give us a brief introduction about yourself and your early days in the industry.

I am a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of experience in finance and treasury management, mainly within corporate finance. At ZIM Laboratories Limited since 1991, initially as a Director on the Board, I have been focused on ensuring the organisation’s growth and stability.

I oversee commercial operations and my vision is to establish ZIM Labs as a financially robust entity known for its operational efficiencies, technological advancements, and ethical business practices.

Q. As a business leader, what critical elements shape your growth strategies?

As a business and finance enthusiast, my growth strategies are anchored in several key principles: Firstly, I prioritise market analysis, conducting comprehensive assessments to uncover growth opportunities and anticipate challenges. Financial acumen is central to my approach, as I firmly believe in the importance of sound financial management for ensuring sustainable growth and profitability. By fostering a culture of Innovation within my team, I encourage creativity and experimentation to address evolving market demands.

Secondly, strategic partnerships play a vital role in my strategy. Talent development is another cornerstone, as I invest in training and development initiatives. Thirdly, I emphasise on patient focus, consistently striving to enhance patient satisfaction by delivering quality products/services and providing exceptional support. In addition, keeping in mind adaptability, I remain flexible and responsive.

Q. How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance, and how important do you think it is for your team to do the same?

I understand the pivotal importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, not only for personal well-being but also for professional effectiveness. I prioritise this balance by setting clear boundaries and efficiently managing tasks during work hours to optimise productivity. This approach allows me to disconnect and recharge during non-work hours.

Additionally, I recognise the significance of promoting work-life balance within my team. Encouraging a healthy equilibrium not only prevents burnout but also enhances job satisfaction and overall well-being among team members. By fostering open communication, I create a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable discussing work, deadlines, and challenges related to work-life balance.

Q. How do you keep abreast of the latest trends in the industry?

Recognising the critical importance of staying abreast of industry trends to uphold our competitive edge, I go through reputable financial news sources and publications, ensuring I am well-versed with emerging trends and regulatory shifts. Active participation in professional networks, forums, and conferences further enriches my knowledge.

Moreover, I prioritise continuous learning and development for both myself and my team, investing in training programmes and workshops to deepen understanding of evolving trends and acquire new skills.

Q. What are the leadership principles through which you make sure that your team performs to the best of its ability?

I am committed to ensuring optimal team performance by implementing several key strategies.

Clear communication is paramount. By providing clear direction and setting expectations, I foster alignment within the team. Empowerment and trust are also essential, and I believe in delegating responsibility to promote accountability among team members. Continuous learning is another cornerstone of my approach through which I prioritise professional growth opportunities to enhance individual and team capabilities.

Recognition too plays a crucial role in motivation and acts as a morale booster. I make it a point to acknowledge achievements and celebrate successes within the team. Collaboration is something fundamental to our success. By fostering an inclusive environment that leverages diverse strengths, we can collectively achieve better performance.

Q. How do you stay adaptable and responsive to new challenges in today’s rapidly-changing environment?

There are several key strategies through which I emphasise adaptability and responsiveness to new challenges:

  • Continuous learning is essential. By staying informed about trends and technologies, we can anticipate challenges and proactively prepare for them.
  • Flexibility in strategy is crucial. Adapting our plans to unforeseen challenges allows us to pivot quickly and capitalise on emerging opportunities.
  • Agile decision-making is another cornerstone of our approach. By empowering the team to respond swiftly to changing circumstances, we foster a culture of adaptability.
  • Collaboration and networking play a vital role. Engaging with peers and stakeholders provides us with diverse perspectives and valuable resources to navigate challenges effectively. B
  • By fostering a mindset of resilience and equipping our team with problem-solving capabilities, we can confidently adapt to new challenges as they arise.
  • Technology adoption is key. Leveraging technology not only streamlines processes but also enhances our decision-making capabilities.

Q. What legacy do you hope to leave in your current role, and how do you plan to achieve it?

My commitment lies in establishing a legacy of financial stewardship, innovation, and growth. I believe in financial excellence through the implementation of robust practices that ensure transparency and efficiency.

Embracing innovation and emerging technologies is key to driving organisational growth, fostering creativity and adaptability within our team. Leadership development is fundamental; so I invest in mentorship and training to nurture future finance leaders. Moreover, upholding ethical governance is most important. Additionally, I emphasise stakeholder engagement to build strong relationships that drive value creation and sustainable growth.

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